Control the entries and limit data capture from your quiz participants.
Maximum number of attempts per user: #
Manage the number of attempts each user can make to access the quiz.
Detect users by: #
Choose how to identify users:
- By IP: Detect users based on their IP addresses and limit their attempts. This applies to both guests and registered users. Note: IP addresses are generally dynamic and can change when users switch locations, Wi-Fi networks, or internet providers.
- By User ID: Detect users based on their WordPress User IDs and limit their attempts. This applies only to registered users. We recommend using this method for more reliable results.
- By Cookie: Detect users based on their WordPress User IDs stored in cookies and limit their attempts. This also applies only to registered users. We recommend this method for more reliable results.
- By IP and Cookie: Detect users based on both their browser cookies and IP addresses, and limit their attempts. This applies to both guests and registered users.
Attempts count (Pro): #
Specify the maximum number of attempts per user for taking the quiz.
Pass score for attempt limit (%) (Pro): #
Set the passing score as a percentage, and the user’s attempt will be counted based on that condition. For example, if set to 40% and 5 attempts, the user can take the quiz with a score above 40% up to 5 times.
However, they can take the quiz with a score below 40% as many times as they want. Attempts count for each user role: Restrict the number of attempts for each user role to pass the quiz. This option requires enabling the “Only for selected user role” option. Message: Display messages to users who have passed the quiz. Add media if desired.
Redirect URL: #
Redirect users to a different URL.
Redirect delay (in seconds): #
Choose the delay before redirecting. Set it to 0 to disable redirection.
Turn on extra security check (Pro): #
When the quiz’s attempt limit is reached, if a user tries to open the quiz in multiple tabs concurrently, the results of their additional attempts will not be stored.
Hide attempts limitation notice (Pro): #
Hide the warning about the remaining attempts count when the limitation is activated.
Only for logged-in users: #
Allow only logged-in users to take the quiz.
- Message: Display messages to unauthorized users. Add media if desired.
- Show login form: Show the login form at the bottom of the message for non-logged-in users.
Only for selected user roles: #
Restrict the quiz to specific user roles. Enabling this option will automatically enable the “Only for logged-in users” option.
- User role: Select the user roles who can access the quiz. Multiple values are accepted.
- Message: Show messages to users who are not included in the selected roles. Add media if desired.
Access only to selected users (Pro): #
Limit the quiz access to specific users. Enabling this option will automatically enable the “Only for logged-in users” option.
- Users: Select the users who can access the quiz. Multiple values are accepted.
- Message: Show messages to users who are not included in the specified user list. Add media if desired.
Limitation count of takers: #
Determine the number of users who can take the quiz.
- Count: Specify the maximum number of users who can take the quiz.
- Message: Display a message when the quiz has already been taken by the required number of users.
Password for passing quiz (Pro): #
Provide users with a password to access the quiz.
- General: Use one general password for all participants. Generated Passwords – Generate unique access codes for each participant to access the quiz.
- General Password: Specify the password for users to access the quiz.
- Enable toggle password visibility: Users will see this message before entering the password to access the quiz.
- Message: Specify the password for users to access the quiz.
- Generated Passwords (Pro):
- Passwords count: Specify the desired number of passwords, and the system will generate them. Copy the password(s) from the “Created” column by clicking the Copy button. Once copied, the password will move to the “Active” column. If a password has already been used by a quiz taker, it will be marked in the “Used” column.