Message Variables

You can copy these variables and paste them in the following options from the quiz settings:

  • Result Message
  • Quiz pass Message
  • Quiz fail message
  • Mail Message
  • Certificate title
  • Certificate body
  • Interval Message
  • Email configuration

Quiz information: #

%%user_name%% – The name the user entered into information form.

%%user_email%% – The E-mail the user entered into information form.

%%quiz_name%% – The title of the quiz.

%%score%% – The score of quiz which got the user.

%%user_corrects_count%% – The number of correct answers of the user.

%%questions_count%% – The number of questions that the user must pass.

%%user_points%% (Pro) -The points of quiz which got the user.

%%max_points%% (Pro) – Maximum points which can get the user

%%current_date%% – The date of the passing quiz.

%%quiz_logo%% – The quiz image which used for quiz start page.

%%interval_message%% (Pro) – The message which must display on the result page depending from score.

%%avg_score%% – The average score of the quiz of all time.

%%avg_rate%% – The average rate of the quiz of all time.

%%user_pass_time%% – The time which spent that the user passed the quiz.

%%quiz_time%% – The time which must spend the user to the quiz.

%%results_by_cats%% – The score of the quiz by a question categories which got the user.

%%unique_code%% – You can use this unique code as an identifier. It is unique for every attempt.

%%download_certificate%% (Pro) – You can use this variable to allow users to download their certificate after quiz completion.

%%wrong_answers_count%% – The number of wrong answers of the user. (skipped questions are included).

%%only_wrong_answers_count%% – The number of only wrong answers of the user.

%%avg_score_by_category%% – The average score by the question category of the given quiz of the given user.

%%skipped_questions_count%% – The count of unanswered questions of the user.

%%answered_questions_count%% – The count of answered questions of the user.

%%score_by_answered_questions%% – The score of those questions which the given user answered(%). Skipped or unanswered questions will not be included in the calculation.

%%current_quiz_page_link%% – Prints the webpage link where the current quiz is posted.

%%quiz_creation_date%% – The exact date/time of the quiz creation.

User information: #

%%user_first_name%% – The user’s first name that was filled in their site during registration.

%%user_last_name%% – The user’s last name that was filled in their site during registration.

%%user_nickname%% – The user’s nickname that was filled in their profile.

%%user_display_name%% – The user’s display name that was filled in their profile.

%%current_quiz_author%% – It will show the author of the current quiz.

%%current_user_ip%% – Shows the current user’s IP no matter whether they are a logged-in user or a guest. Please note, that this message variable will return empty, if ‘Do not store IP addresses’ is ticked from General Settings>General>Users IP addresses.

%%current_quiz_author_email%% – Shows the current quiz author’s email that was filled in their profile.

%%admin_email%% – Shows the admin’s email that was filled in their profile.

Keywords information: #

%%keyword_count_{keyword}%% (Pro) – The count of the selected keyword that the user answers during the quiz. For instance, %%keyword_count_A%%.

%%keyword_percentage_{keyword}%% (Pro) – The percentage of the selected keyword that the user answers during the quiz. For instance, %%keyword_percentage_A%%.

%%top_keywords_count_{count}%% (Pro) – Top keywords of answers selected by the user during the quiz. Each keyword will be displayed with the count of selected keywords. For instance, %%top_keywords_count_3%%.

%%top_keywords_percentage_{count}%% (Pro) – Top keywords of answers selected by the user during the quiz. Each keyword will be displayed with the percentage of selected keywords. For instance, %%top_keywords_percentage_3%%.

%%quiz_coupon%% (Pro) – You can use this message variable for showing coupons to your users. This message variable won’t work unless you enable the Enable quiz coupons option.

%%user_keyword_point_{keyword}%% (Pro) – It will display the total count of the keyword. For instance, %%user_keyword_point_A%%.

%%max_point_keyword_{keyword}%% (Pro) – It displays the maximum point of the keywords. For instance, %%max_point_keyword_A%%.

%%user_keyword_percentage_{keyword}%% (Pro) – It will display the percentage of the chosen keyword from the maximum.For instance, %%user_keyword_percentage_A%%.

%%avg_user_points%% (Pro) – It will display the average score of the user.

%%avg_res_by_cats%% (Pro) – It will display the average rate of the Question Category (for example: Copywriting: 2.7/5 …).

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