E-mail and Certificate Settings Tab

Discover how to send emails and certificates to your users. Remember to enable the Information Form in the User Data tab for users to provide their personal data.

Send email to user (Pro) #

Activate the option to send emails to users after quiz completion.

  • Email message: Enter the text message to be sent via email. Utilize Message Variables to include user data (name, email, score, quiz completion date, etc.). Add media if necessary.
  • Send results to user: Enable this option for users to receive their quiz results via email.
  • Send interval message to user: Allow users to receive relevant interval messages based on their answer choices. Provide keyword-based interval messages on the Results Settings tab.
  • Send email for testing: Enter an email address and click the Send button to preview the message. Don’t forget to write a message in the Email message field beforehand.

Send certificate to user (Pro) #

Enable to send a PDF certificate to users upon quiz completion. Configure the certificate’s content using the following options:

  • Certificate pass score: Set the minimum score required for a user to receive a certificate.
  • Certificate title: Set the title of the certificate. Utilize Message Variables to include user data in the title. Add media if desired.
  • Certificate body: Specify the content of the certificate. Utilize Message Variables and add media as needed.
  • Certificate orientation: Choose between Landscape and Portrait layouts.
  • Certificate background image: Set a background image for the certificate by uploading or choosing from the Media Library.
  • Certificate frame: Choose a preferable frame layout for the certificate.

Generate certificate without sending to user (Pro) #

Select this option to create a certificate without immediately sending it to the user. It will be stored on the Results page. The options are the same as in the previous field.

Generate Certificate preview (Pro) #

Preview the certificate. Please note that some message variables may not work in preview mode.

Send email to admin (Pro) #

Activate this option to send quiz data to the super admin of your Shopify website.

  • Admin: Enable this option to send all quiz results to the registered email of the super admin.
  • Additional emails: Provide additional email addresses separated by commas to receive quiz results.
  • Send Report table to admin: Provide detailed results of completed quizzes to the super admin and/or the additional email addresses.
  • Send Interval message to admin: Forward interval messages from users to the super admin and/or the additional email addresses.
  • Send Certificate to admin too: Send user certificates to the super admin and/or the additional email addresses. If “Send certificate to user” option is disabled, no certificate will be sent to the admin.
  • Email message: Send a text message to the super admin and/or the additional email addresses. Utilize Message Variables and add media as needed.

Email configuration (Pro) #

Set up the attributes of the sending email.

  • From email: Specify the email address from which the results will be sent. If left blank, the default value will be “quiz_maker@{your_site_url}”.
  • From name: Specify the name displayed as the sender of the results. If left blank, it will be “Quiz Maker”.
  • Subject: Provide the subject of the email. If not provided, the quiz title will be used as the subject.
  • Reply to email: Specify the email address users can reply to. If left blank, no reply-to address will be specified.
  • Reply to name: Specify the name users can reply to. If left blank, no reply-to name will be specified.
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