Quiz results

In this section, you will find an overview of all quiz results.

Quizzes #

Here, you can access information about each quiz, including the average rating/score and the number of users who have passed it. Clicking on a quiz will allow you to view the detailed results for that specific quiz:

Results: #

This section provides information about users (name, IP, email) and their performance in the quiz (start date/time, duration, rating, score, points). Please note: In the Free version, you will have access to information about users, quizzes, questions, and more.

Incomplete Quizzes (Pro): #

In this field, you can find quizzes that were not completed. You can view them only if:

  • The “Store all incomplete results” checkbox in the General Settings is selected.
  • The “Enable maximum number of attempts per user” checkbox in the User Limitation settings is selected. You can filter the results by user name using the “Select user” option.

Statistics (Pro): #

This section provides graphical and chart views of quiz performance.

  • Reports count per day: Shows the number of times the quiz was taken on each day.
  • Correct answers: Displays the percentage of correct answers based on all results, allowing you to identify questions with higher accuracy.
  • Passed users: Shows the percentage of logged-in and non-logged-in users who have passed the quiz.
  • Users count by score: Presents the number of users who achieved the same score.
  • Users count by interval: Displays the number of users with the same score range.

Questions (Pro): #

Here, you can view all the existing questions in the selected quiz, along with the percentage of correct answers for each question, calculated from all responses. For example, “3/7” indicates that the question was attempted 7 times, with only 3 correct responses.

Question Category Statistics (Pro): #

This section provides a chart showing the percentage of correct answers by category.

Leaderboard: #

Displays the name(s) of the user(s) with the highest score for the selected quiz.

Reviews: #

This section contains a list of quiz reviews, including information about the reviewer, quiz ID, rating, and the review itself. To enable quiz assessment and allow quiz takers to leave reviews, go to the Settings tab and enable the “Enable quiz assessment” option.

Quizzes (Pro) #

In this tab, you can access a list of all quizzes, including their category, average rating, average score, number of passed users, unread results, Google Sheet integration, and ID.

Global Statistics (Pro) #

This section provides an overview of the dates and the number of times each quiz has been taken, as well as information on the most and least popular quizzes.

Global Leaderboard (Pro) #

Displays the name(s) of the user(s) with the highest score across all quiz results.

Export (Pro) #

You have the option to export the results of a specific user by selecting their name, the quiz, and specifying the desired date range. Export formats available include CSV, XLSX, and JSON files.

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