Settings Tab

Question background image (Pro): #

Add a background image to your question. You have the flexibility to choose different images for different questions.

User answer explanation (Pro): #

Enable this option to allow users to explain why they chose a particular answer to the question.

Enabled Disabled

Question hint: #

Provide additional information to assist users in answering the question. You can even include images or other media as hints.

Question explanation: #

Include a descriptive or informative text about the question. Specify where the explanation should be displayed by going to Settings → Show questions explanation → Show question explanation.

Message for incorrect answer: #

Enter a message that will be shown if the user provides an incorrect answer to the question. This option does not work if you have selected “By weight/points” as the method for score calculation (Results Settings → Calculate the score). This option applies to all question types except Checkbox and Custom (Banner) types.

Message for correct answer: #

Enter a message that will be displayed when the user answers the question correctly. This option does not work if you have selected “By weight/points” as the method for score calculation (Results Settings → Calculate the score). This option applies to all question types except Checkbox and Custom (Banner) types.

Note text: #

Provide additional information about the question that will appear below the answers.

What are your feelings
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