Style Tab (part 1)

Theme: #

The plugin offers 8 pre-designed quiz themes. Choose the one that suits your preferences by exploring the templates and their features:

  • Elegant Dark: Dark background, light text, black buttons, and progress bar on the results page.
  • Elegant Light: Light background, dark text, white buttons, and progress bar.
  • Classic Dark: Dark background, orange text, blue buttons with hover effect, and progress bar. Checkbox questions have circled bullets.
  • Classic Light: Light background, dark text, green buttons with hover effect, and progress bar. Checkbox questions have circled bullets.
  • Rect Dark: Dark background, light text, blue answer boxes, buttons, and progress bar. Square bullets.
  • Rect Light: Light background, dark text, light yellow answer boxes, buttons, and progress bar. Square bullets.

Animation effect: #

Choose an animation effect for transitioning between questions. The available options are:

  • Fade
  • Shake
  • Swing right (Pro)
  • Swing left (Pro)

Click “Animate” to preview the effects and make your selection. If you prefer no animation effects, choose “None” from the Animation effect dropdown.

Quiz Color: #

Select the color for the main elements of the quiz, including buttons, hover effects, and the progress bar. Adjust the opacity level if needed.

Background color: #

Specify the background color of the quiz. Adjust the opacity level if needed.

Text color: #

Specify the color of the text used for questions, answers, and result messages. Adjust the opacity level if needed.

Buttons text color: #

Define the color of the buttons’ text in the quiz. Adjust the opacity level if needed.

Quiz width: #

Set the width of the quiz in pixels or as a percentage. Leave the field blank for 100% width.

Quiz max-width for mobile: #

Set the maximum width of the quiz for the mobile version as a percentage. Leave the field blank for 100% width. This option applies to screens with a width of less than 640 pixels.

Quiz min-height: #

Set the minimum height of the quiz by entering a numeric value.

Quiz title transformation: #

Choose how to capitalize the title text of your quiz.

  • Uppercase: Convert all characters to uppercase.
  • Lowercase: Convert all characters to lowercase.
  • Capitalize: Capitalize the first character of each word.
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